The Importance of Regular Maintenance for Your AC System: Tips from an Expert

Learn about the preventive maintenance schedule for AC and why it is crucial for every homeowner to follow. Save money on energy costs and potential repairs by regularly maintaining your AC system.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance for Your AC System: Tips from an Expert

As someone who has spent years in the air conditioning industry, I cannot stress enough the significance of regular maintenance for your AC system. Not only does it ensure the efficiency and longevity of your unit, but it also saves you money on energy costs and potential repairs. In this article, I will discuss the preventive maintenance schedule for AC and why it is crucial for every homeowner to follow. First and foremost, regular maintenance allows you to address any issues or concerns with your system. This is the perfect opportunity to ask questions and get professional advice on how to keep your AC running smoothly.

The two main components that should be checked during maintenance are the air filters and the inner coil. These are responsible for filtering out dirt and debris from the air, ensuring that you have clean and fresh air circulating in your home. Next, it is important to clean the outdoor unit, including the coil, while also checking the airflow. Any obstructions or buildup can significantly reduce the efficiency of your AC system. This can lead to higher energy consumption and a decrease in performance.

By regularly cleaning and maintaining the outdoor unit, you can ensure that your AC is working at its best. One of the most crucial tasks in maintaining an efficient AC system is replacing or cleaning the filters on a routine basis. Dirty and clogged filters not only reduce airflow, but they can also cause dirt to bypass the filter and deposit directly on the evaporator coil. This affects the coil's ability to absorb heat, resulting in a decrease in cooling capacity. By simply replacing a dirty filter with a clean one, you can reduce energy consumption by 5% to 15%.If your AC system requires more than just regular maintenance, such as when it fails to cool your home to a comfortable temperature, it is important to hire a professional service technician.

Attempting to fix complex issues on your own can lead to further damage and potentially cost you more in the long run. To avoid any unexpected breakdowns during the summer, it is crucial to follow an air conditioning maintenance program. Neglecting necessary maintenance can result in a constant decrease in performance and an increase in energy consumption. By regularly maintaining your AC system, you not only save money on energy costs, but you also extend the lifespan of your unit. The filters, coils, and fins in an AC system require regular maintenance to operate effectively and efficiently throughout its years of service. By signing a maintenance contract, you can also receive discounts on repairs and new equipment purchases.

However, even without a contract, it is important to schedule maintenance at least twice a year - once in the fall for heating and once in the spring for air conditioning. It is important to remember that regular maintenance is key to maximizing the lifespan of your central air conditioning system. The cost of replacement, especially if the unit is relatively new, far exceeds the cost of routine maintenance. By taking care of your AC system, you not only save money but also ensure that you have a reliable and efficient cooling system for years to come.

Kristien de Bruijn
Kristien de Bruijn

Incurable troublemaker. Unapologetic tv specialist. Extreme bacon maven. Professional food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly web nerd. Avid internet maven.

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